351 Cleveland Power kits

   We have taken the guess work out of getting the most bang for your $$. We have rebuilt tons of customer engines over the years that were all wrong and had parts that didn’t work together. Examples race camshaft and torque intake, or stock heads with a tall single plane intake manifold. These parts don’t work together! We have built and dynoed over the last 20 years lots of different combinations and have given you access to that knowledge now. Our power kits are based of engines we have done in the past. These kit give you the basic parts that really take experience to make a engine work great for your specific application. Remember we design custom kits too! Fill out a custom engine quote form and we will get a kit priced for you.


All kits consist of assembled heads, intake manifold and camshaft.


Horsepower 350 Torque 440   351cid
Horsepower 420 Torque 500   408cid
Runs on 93 octane with medium aggressive camshaft

Your provided OEM 2v Iron cores heads 
Custom speced hyd camshaft
Edelbrock performer intake
$2400 #111C


Horsepower 380 Torque 440   351cid
Horsepower 450 Torque 520   408cid
Runs on 93 octane with medium aggressive camshaft
Your provided OEM 4V Iron heads
Custom speced hyd camshaft
Edelbrock performer intake
$2600 #112C


Horsepower 420 Torque 440    351cid
Horsepower 520 Torque 520    408cid
Runs on 93 octane with aggressive hot street camshaft

Edelbrock aluminum heads
Custom speced hyd camshaft
Edelbrock RPM intake
$3500 #113C


Horsepower 440 Torque 450    351cid
Horsepower 550 Torque 530    408cid
Runs on 93 octane max effort type aggressive street camshaft

Trickflow heads 195 cnc ported
Custom speced hyd camshaft
Edelbrock RPM intake
$3650 #114C 


Cam saver Crower lifters $160 premium
American made roller rockers $440
Gasket set $90
Matching Quickfuel carb start at $425
Double roller timing set $75
Upgrade to custom designed hydraulic roller camshaft +$1200
(This upgrade includes, hyd roller camshaft, valve-train upgrade and premium roller lifters)